Here I am back with the second part of how to grow business. After this you are going to rock in business. Let's start.

Reason no. 5
Mixed marketing signal and wrong positioning
People don't know their identity and where they stand. Do you know your perfect and imperfect customer? Or your perfect product and imperfect product? You don't have to sell your product to all sell to the targeted customers. For this you have to understand market Psychology after that sell your product. 
Search for a single signal.
You have to know your identity:
Are you the 
Problem solved? 
Most prestigious? 
See your position and then according to that do your:
Packing, branding, marketing, scheme, policy, and backend team. 
Like thumbs up it have a single signal "taste the thunder"

Reason no. 6
Releasing product at the end. 
Don't launch your product at last. If you do this you have to give discount, low margin, credit and at last this will lead to death of your business. So always remember one thing your business depends on:
Product timing and market adoption curve. 
Late product lead to struggle.

Reason no. 7
Save yourself from getting outcompete
Your competitor is recording your actions. You have to make a plan for that. To stop your competitors you can do these things:
Intellectual property rights
Patent and license
Proprietary technology
Don't let your secret open in front of your competitors. Try to  improve brand equity.
You can try this
Buy raw product in large quantities this lead to low cost product and form barrier for your competitors.

Reason no. 8
Missing the process of converting feedback into feed- forward
Customer give you feedback but do you convert feedback into feed- forward. He tells you to improve your product but you don't do this customer feedback is a gift for you so see the feedback and improve quality according to you customer this will help you a lot.
Thanks for visiting page. I can't tell you remaining 2 point.